

Distances (miles) and journey times are approximate and are taken from Google Maps.


Computer generated artists impression only. The image shown is for illustrative purposes only. Brick and tile colour, window and door styles, elevational treatments and external landscaping may vary. Please consult our sales team.

Site map

Artist’s impression drawn from architect’s plans to show the relative position of individual properties. NOT TO SCALE. This is a two dimensional drawing and will not show land contours and gradients, boundary treatments, landscaping or local authority street lighting. Please contact our sales team for more information.


Due to the nature of construction, room sizes may vary and purchasers are advised to satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. These dimensions are not intended to be used for carpet sizes, appliance spaces or items of furniture. For electrical, heating and kitchen specification please contact our sales team.

Cost breakdowns

Share prices and purchases can range between 25%-75%, the above 40% is an average purchase percentage. Terms and conditions apply, please ask for details. Prices correct at time of publication.